
Montag, 7. Januar 2013


Nun hat die UNO endlich eine Liste mit den Namen von ausländischen Verbrechern veröffentlicht. Jetzt kann jeder sehen, der überhaupt sehen will, wer von Anfang an gelogen hat - alle unsere westlichen Mainstreammedien - und wer von Anfang an die Wahrheit gesagt hat - die syrische Regierung. 
Und wohl gemerkt, dies ist nur eine der Listen, die der UNO inzwischen überreicht wurden. Und wieviele weitere Listen die syrische Regierung unterdess vorbereitet hat, das wissen wir noch nicht.

Vereinte Nationen A/67/540-S/2012/778
Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen

Distr.: General
23 October 2012
Original: Englisch

12-56496 (E) 021112 051112
General Assembly
Sixty-seventh session
Agenda item 105

Maßnahmen zur Beseitigung des internationalen Terrorismus

Das UN-Originaldokument kann hier eingesehen werden.

Identische Briefe vom 19. Oktober 2012 vom permanenten Vertreter der Syrischen Arabischen Republik an die Vereinten Nationen, adressiert an den Generalsekretär und den Präsidenten des Sicherheitsrates auf Anweisung meine Regierung,
Ich habe die Ehre, hiermit eine Liste mit den Namen und Nationalitäten von 108 ausländischen Individuen zu überreichen, die von den syrischen Behörden verhaftet wurden.Die Liste gibt die Gründe der Verhaftung jedes einzelnen Individuums an, die in Beziehung zu terroristischen Aktivitäten stehen, die in der Syrischen Arabischen Republik begangen wurden.

Es wäre schätzenswert, wenn der vorliegende Brief mit seinen Anhängen als ein Dokument der Vollversammlung unter der Agenda 105 und vom Sicherheitsrat verbreitet würde.

Unterzeichnet: Bashar Ja'afari
S/2012/778 2 12-56496

Annex zu den identischen Briefen vom 19. Oktober 2012 vom Permanenten Vertreter der Syrischen Arabischen Republik an die Vereinten Nationen, addressiert an den Generalsekretär und den Präsidenten des Sicherheitsrates

Namen von 108 nicht-syrischen Staatsangehörigen, die in Syrien verhaftet während der gegenwärtigen Ereignisse verhaftet wurden.)

[Diese Informationen sind nach der Art der Verbrechen sortiert.]

Verübung mehrerer Morde und Entführungen mit dem Ziel, Lösegeld zu bekommen:

  1. Der Iraker Ahmad Shahab Ahmad beging mehrere Morde und Entführungen mit dem Ziel, Lösegeld zu bekommen. Plante, den Assistenten des Innenministers zu ermorden. Ein unverschämter Betrüger, der gefälschte Dollars verbreitete. Stand in Verbindung mit der sogenannten Freien Armee und der Ghutah tansiqiyyat (Koordinationsgruppen).
  2. Der Iraker Ali Husain Madghan beging mehrere Morde und Entführungen mit dem Ziel, Lösegeld zu bekommen. Plante, den Assistenten des Innenministers zu ermorden. Ein unverschämter Betrüger, der gefälschte Dollars verbreitete. Stand in Verbindung mit der sogenannten Freien Armee und der Ghutah tansiqiyyat (Koordinationsgruppen).
  3. Der Iraker Mujid Hamid Salman beging mehrere Morde und Entführungen mit dem Ziel, Lösegeld zu bekommen. Plante, den Assistenten des Innenministers zu ermorden. Ein unverschämter Betrüger, der gefälschte Dollars verbreitete. Stand in Verbindung mit der sogenannten Freien Armee und der Ghutah tansiqiyyat (Koordinationsgruppen).
  4. Der Iraker Mu'taz Sulaim Talib beging mehrere Morde und Entführungen mit dem Ziel, Lösegeld zu bekommen. Plante, den Assistenten des Innenministers zu ermorden. Ein unverschämter Betrüger, der gefälschte Dollars verbreitete. Stand in Verbindung mit der sogenannten Freien Armee und der Ghutah tansiqiyyat (Koordinationsgruppen).

Mitglieder von Al Qaida

  1. Der Iraker Ghanam Hanin Ahmad al-Kindi, verhaftet in Syrien, gab zu, Mitglied der terroristischen Al Qaida Organisation zu sein.
  2. Der Iraker Asim Abdulghani Mahmud Abbush, Mitglied der Al Qaida/Irak. Nahm an einem Angriff auf einen syrischen Grenzposten nahe Bab al-Hawa teil und an Angriffen im Akhtarin Distrikt und auf eine Polizeistation in Khanasir. Er versteckte eine Sprengladung im Auto des sogenannten Chefs der Organisation in Aleppo, mit dem Ziel, den Wagen im Sakhur-Viertel Aleppos zu sprengen.
  3. Der Iraker Laith Battal Qathim, Mitglied der Al Qaida/Irak. Kam 2008 nach Syrien. Unterrichtete die der Erzeugung von Brandsätzen.
  4. Der Iraker Muhammad Ahmad Huwair, Mitglied der Al-Qaida/Irak. Kam 2008 ins Land. Lebte in Gebiet Ba'rbaya, wo er einen anderen Iraker traf, Adbulhamid Hamad Shalash, auch Mitglied der Al Qaida/Irak. Nahm teil am Transport von drei Armeegewehren und 11 Bomben von der irakisch-syrischen Grenze ins Haus von Adbulhamid Shalash.
  5. Der Iraker Ya'qub Muhammad Abdulrahman, Mitglied der Al-Qaida/Irak. Beteiligt an der Finanzierung und Zurverfügungstellung seines Hauses in Qamishli an den sogenannten legitimen Führer der Al-Qaida/Syrien, den Iraker Husain al-Jaburi (Abu Musab).
  6. Der Iraker Sa'd Abdulkarim Rajab al-Jamili. Ehemaliges Mitglied der Al-Qaida. Betrat Syrien mit dem Ziel, nach Jasim in Dar'a zu gehen und sich den bewaffneten Gruppen anzuschließen, um gegen die syrischen Sicherheitskräfte und die Armee zu
Beziehungen zu bewaffneten Terroristengruppen und Beteiligung am Aufstand:
[Hier breche ich die Übersetzung der einzelnen Vergehen ab.]

11. Iraqi Bashar [illegible] Proven relationship with the armed terrorist groups. Undertook terrorist operations in Haffah, Ladhiqiyah governorate. Fought the army and security forces and set fire to military buildings.

12. Egyptian Abdulrahim Hassan Shalabi Involved in the armed groups’ acts of insurrection. Observed the movements of the army and security and informed the armed groups thereof, thus enabling them to ambush and target them.
 13 Palestinian Darar Ismail Mahmud Abu Awda Belonged to an outlawed organization, the terrorist Al-Qaida organization, that aims to change the nature of the State and the basic status of society.
14 Palestinian/Syrian Hazim Fu’ad Mazawi A quantity of live ammunition was found in his car. Has a proven relationship with the terrorist groups.
15 Palestinian/Lebanese Muhammad Walid al-Asadi Entered Syria illegally with the intention of carrying out terrorist operations in Ladhiqiyah.
16 Palestinian/Lebanese Ayman Ahmad al-Gharbi Joined an armed group and took part with it in attacking army checkpoints and detonating explosive devices.
17 Palestinian/Syrian Sa’id Adnan Habash Sheltered armed men in the Khalidiyah quarter and stole a tanker belonging to the Homs fire brigade.
18 Palestinian/Syrian Turki Khalid Awd Took part in an attack on the Mukhayyam position in Dar’a, which was blown up; photographed the incident on his mobile telephone.

Nahmen an Terror-Operationen teil:
19 Palestinian/Algerian Fu’ad Abdulrahman Bubakri Took part in terrorist operations.
20 Lebanese Abdulmajid Mahmud Matar A member of the armed terrorist group that opened fire on personnel at the al-madinah al-jami’iyah checkpoint in Homs.
21 Lebanese Khadrah Muhammad Fiyyad Involved with a terrorist group; transported arms and planted explosive devices.
22 Lebanese Muhammad Jamil al-Khatib Carried out terrorist operations using military arms; invaded State property and vital installations; committed rapes and murders and displayed the bodies; stirred up sectarian strife and armed rebellion.
23 Lebanese Fadi Faisal Musa Smuggled quantitites of military arms and ammunition and drugs for the armed groups.
24 Lebanese Muhammad Amir Amir Carried out terrorist operations which caused damage to property and loss of life. Smuggled arms despatched by the mustaqbal (Future) faction and distributed them to armed terrorist groups. Took part in the attack on the army checkpoint in the village of Nizariyah.
25 Lebanese Kamal Ali Abu Jabal Engaged in various types of smuggling operation, including of arms.
26 Lebanese Musa Muhammad Amir Joined the armed terrorist groups and opened fire on demonstrators in order to bring suspicion on the army and the security forces. Took part in attacks on army checkpoints that caused the deaths of several personnel. Transported arms and ammunition on behalf of the terrorist groups.
27 Lebanese Mubarak Ratib al-Omar Transported arms and ammunition and armed men in his taxi on behalf of the terrorist groups.
28 Lebanese Abdulrahman Muhammad Shawk Entered the country illegally in order to take part in “jihad” in Syria.
29 Lebanese Omar Khalid Salahaddin Entered the country illegally in order to take part in “jihad” in Syria.
30 Lebanese Muhammad Yusif al-Huwaidi Entered the country illegally in order to take part in “jihad” in Syria.
31 Lebanese Hassan Ahmad Jizzinini Entered the country illegally in order to take part in “jihad” in Syria.
32 Lebanese Muhammad Abdulrahman Ammar Took part in destructive operations in Homs. Trained persons in detonation operations and booby-traps.
33 Lebanese Muhammad Hussain Faris Joined an armed group and took part with it in attacking army checkpoints and carrying out abductions. Smuggled arms and ammunition on its behalf from Lebanon into Syria. Also smuggled in 50 Arab terrorists and 30 foreign journalists.
34 Lebanese Ra’id Rashid Hamud Smuggled arms and ammunition from Lebanon into Syria. 35 Lebanese Khalid Qasim Abdulhadi Smuggled arms and ammunition from Lebanon into Syria on behalf of the armed groups.
36 Lebanese Mustafa Muhammad al-Masri Joined an armed group and took part with it in attacking army checkpoints. Smuggled arms and ammunition on its behalf.
37 Lebanese Muhammad Ahmad Matar Smuggled arms and ammunition from Lebanon into Syria on behalf of the armed groups.
38 Lebanese Mahmud Salih al-Masri Smuggled arms and ammunition from Lebanon into Syria and opened fire on border guards.
39 Lebanese Muhammad Nawwaf al-Najm Linked to terrorist groups in the Wadi Khalid area; had dealings with armed men in Syria; smuggled persons, drugs and arms into Syria.
40 Jordanian Abdulsalam Ahmad Muhammad Ismail Distributed dynamite to saboteurs in the Palestinian Raml camp and took part with them at targeting the army with it when it entered that camp. Targeted security and army patrols with explosive devices.
41 Jordanian Manadil Muhammad Ibrahim al-Hamaida Formed an armed terrorist group and stole the property of civilians.
42 Jordanian Ahmad Bahrawi Buhairi al-Munay’a Took part in terrorist operations by ensuring the supply of the materials necessary for the assembly of explosive devices. Helped to make such devices for the armed terrorist groups.
43 Jordanian/Syrian Abdulhadi Ghassan al-Sakhni, known as Abdulhadi al-Durubi Supplied and purchased arms for terrorist groups in Qariyatayn and had links with all the armed men in that town who undertook terrorist operations against the army.

Betraten illegal das Land, um mit den bewaffneten Terroristengruppen zu kämpfen

44 Jordanian Muhammad Hussain Muhammad Ibrahim Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups. 45 Jordanian Abdulrahman Jamal Asir Titi ?? Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
46 Jordanian Hussain Ghazi Hussain Took part in the operations of a terrorist group.
47 Tunisian Suhail bin Zuhair al-Saqsali Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
48 Tunisian Majdi al-Hiyari bin al-Hiyathi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
49 Tunisian Muhammad a-Trabulis bin al-Sharif Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
50 Tunisian Usama Hathli bin Mukhtar Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
51 Tunisian Walid Thafar bin Ali Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
52 Tunisian Sami Kamal bin Mahazz bin Ashur Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
53 Tunisian Rida Bay bin Abdulaziz Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
54 Tunisian Muhammad Ali Daifallah Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
55 Tunisian Wisam Kamal bin Halimah Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
56 Tunisian Ramadan bin Wasif Sultani Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
57 Tunisian Muhammad Tuhami Mai Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
58 Tunisian Sa’ud Muhammad Gharma Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
59 Tunisian Wahid Abdulla Fadil Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
60 Tunisian Bilal Marzuqi bin Abdulla Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
61 Tunisian Haikal Abdulwahid al-Tuwaini Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
62 Tunisian Uqbah bin Muhammad al-Nasiri Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
63 Tunisian Amin bin Muhammad Nasibi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
64 Tunisian Bilal Mustapha al-Iari Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
65 Tunisian Ziyad bin bu Jum’a al-Iari Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
66 Tunisian Izzaddine bin Rashid Shabah Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
67 Tunisian Munsif bin bu Jum’a Sultani Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
68 Tunisian Yasin Nassraddine bin Abdulla Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
69 Tunisian Muhammad Khalid bin Thabit Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
70 Tunisian Ali Muhammad al-Haddad Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
71 Tunisian Muhammad al-Ya’qubi bin Khamis Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
72 Tunisian Omar al-Maluli bin al-Hadi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
73 Tunisian Mahir al-Nabili bin Muhammad Najib Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
74 Tunisian Abu Bakr Ali Muhammad Bubatan Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
75 Tunisian Muhammad bin Bashir al-Ta’ib Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
76 Tunisian Arafat al-Tayyib bin Abdulla Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
77 Tunisian Abdulkarim al-Haush Buqa’ud Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
78 Tunisian Al-Hussain Muhammad Maris Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
79 Tunisian Muhammad bin al-Jalidi Naji Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
80 Tunisian Badr Qasim bin Rahmah Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
81 Tunisian Sami bin Abdulla al-Rabi’ Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
82 Tunisian Ahmad abdulmajid Bilshahid Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
83 Tunisian Firas Munsif bin Ghazi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
84 Tunisian Muhammad Bilhaj Omar bin Hamadi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
85 Tunisian Abdulhalim Awainah bin al-Naji Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
86 Tunisian Fahd al-Mas’udi bin Nuraddine Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
87 Tunisian Husam bin Abdulaziz Bilal Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
88 Tunisian Abdulsattar bin Salih bu Azizi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
89 Tunisian Tawfiq bin Muhammad al-Munsif Ta’m Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
90 Tunisian Abdulsalam bin Muhammad al-Tahir Qusumi Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
91 Tunisian Mu’iz bin Abdulmajid Abdulrahman Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
92 Libyan Fahd Abdulkarim Salih al-Faritas Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
93 Libyan Anis Muhammad Ma’tuq Muhammad bin Muhammad Entered the country illegally in order to fight with the armed terrorist groups.
94 Australian/Syrian Muhammad Yusuf al-Kalkuni The [illegible] for a terrorist group in the city of Dar’a.
95 Palestinian/Jordanian Nabih Hussain Abu Zarkah Helped to distribute arms; involved in the murder of Warrant Officer Imad Sirriah; transferred the sum of $3,000 from Imad “the Friend” to Sheikh Sariah al-Rifa’i for distribution to the terrorists.
96 Palestinian/Jordanian Khalid Sami Dib Member of a terrorist group in Duma led by the terrorist Diyyab al-Sha’rawi; involved in setting up barricades where civilians were searched and robbed; robbed commercial establishments; monitored army movements.
97 Tunisian Muhammad Ali Bilhaj Ahmad Member of the salafist, takfirist Islamic [illegible] Party. Entered Syria with the intention of fighting after [illegible] by a member of Al-Qaida in Egypt, Sheikh Sayyid Ismail.
98 Libyan Ibrahim al-Farajani Member of a jihadist terrorist group called tanthim ahrar al-sham.
99 Iraqi Ali Khalid Hussain al-Sisawi Entered Syria on a forged Bulgarian passport with the aim of joining a terrorist group.

Mitglied einer Terroristengruppe; beteiligt an Austellung von Straßenblockaden und Entführungen:

100 Palestinian/Syrian Sa’di Abdulrahman al-Hindi Member of a terrorist group; involved in setting up roadblocks and carrying out abductions.
101 Jordanian Muhammad Bassam Ahmad Member of a terrorist group; involved in setting up roadblocks and carrying out abductions.
102 Palestinian/Syrian Ibrahim Khalil Zainab Member of a terrorist group; involved in setting up roadblocks and carrying out abductions.

103 Palestinian/Syrian Abdulrahman Muhammad Akram Sharkash Smuggled arms in his private car from Lebanon to the terrorists.
104 Palestinian/Syrian Majid Aziz Makhluf Member of a terrorist group called katibat shuhada’ ruknaddine.
105 Palestinian/Syrian Muhammad Musa al-Ghazi Attacked soldiers and military checkpoints.
106 Palestinian/Syrian Muhammad Bahir Abdulhakim al-Hindi Attacked soldiers and military checkpoints.
107 Palestinian/Syrian Bahir Hisham al-Saqa Attacked soldiers and military checkpoints.
108 Palestinian/Syrian Fadi Zainaddine Rustum Attacked soldiers and military checkpoints

Quelle - källa - source

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